Dear Friends,
Can any body provide RC Reddy study material for GROUP-II
exams. Or can u plz tell me where can I get RC reddy
Printed study material for Group-II. It would be highly
appriciated if you provide me the details.
Can anybody give the basic information about NIIT? What it does? Where is it? etc.,
what is the cutoff marks in bank po exam to get to be selected?
As an IT student what are the most interesting changes/inventions have been take place in last 5 years?
Its So Simple Punchline of Which Co.
would someone please tell me that bsnl(jto) application will be in computer typed format or simply a typed format?
What is System Restore?
How can i talk by using Pc/Laptop to our frnds? please tell the steps in details.
what technical arears do you consider yourself to be proficient?
how to count pelindrome word from string???? give answer in c language!!!!
Is more than one conduct certificate needed for SBI Clerical interview? The recent one which is given by a gazated officer would be enough?
1 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
The pilot becomes very irate and angry. What will you do?
Sir, I have completed my BE electrical. I have 3 yearexperiencee in maintenance in different companies. I have work 11kva , 6.6 kva, 220 kva , ht and Lt side. Now I am in abudhabi. Shall I take c or A licenses. If I can please tell the procedures.