when in interview. he asked me question. how to join the
sena job.

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when in interview. he asked me question. how to join the sena job...

Answer / lalit chaudhary

I want to join sena job because I wants doing some better
for my country and my family also. I think god gives only
one chance .

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when in interview. he asked me question. how to join the sena job...

Answer / yogesh payal

to join the sena job.firstly you should give your whole life
to sena.you have to keep your family aside and you have to
think about your country.

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when in interview. he asked me question. how to join the sena job...

Answer / mukund kumar

I want to join army because in this there is a risk of life
and without risk there is no succes in life.this tragedy
that can i remember in my life and i can say that i had also
done some thing to save my motherland and from child i had a
dream to do some work for my motherland and i have that
courage that i had developed from my life.I will be very
happy to have a chance to contribute to the motherland

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when in interview. he asked me question. how to join the sena job...

Answer / randhir singh

To get sena job we should be full of confidence, our body
should be rough and tough enough. We should be ready to
answer about anythingh. We should not release sperm, to
protect us from any type of disabilities. We should have
enough knowledge about the entire world, and should have
the capacity to learn somthing from others.

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