Can we have a private virtual method ?

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Can we have a private virtual method ?..

Answer / nidhi singh

no, we cann't hav private virtual method as virtual is used
in case of inheritance but private members cannot be

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Can we have a private virtual method ?..

Answer / rajendra gandhi

No, we can't have private vitual method.

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Can we have a private virtual method ?..

Answer / edward

yes... we can have private virtual method and will not give
any compile time/runtime error. but there is no use of it.
we could not call the method from out side of the class

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Can we have a private virtual method ?..

Answer / nk

We can have virtual functions as long as we dont call the
function from a base pointer pointing to the base
class/derived class.

If we call then gives error.

The same error can be tested by compiling and running above

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Can we have a private virtual method ?..

Answer / sriram

We can have the private virtual method. But it can be
accessed only through the derived class not through the
base class.

class A
virtual void fun() { std::cout << "A::fun" <<
std::endl; }


class B : public A
virtual void fun() { std::cout << "B::fun" <<
std::endl; }


int main(int argc, char* argv[])
A* pa = new A();

Output : A::fun

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Can we have a private virtual method ?..

Answer / ganesh mishra

yes... we can have private virtual method and will not give
any compile time/runtime error.but when we derive any class
from it and override the virtual function,then the compiler
will throw a compile time error.

//file name is privatever.cpp

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class base
virtual void fun()
cout <<"base class function"<<endl;


class derive: public base
virtual void fun()
cout<<"derived class function"<<endl;

int main()
base *pt;
derive *der = new derive;
pt = der;

here is the error
privatever.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
privatever.cpp:6: error: ‘virtual void base::fun()’ is private
privatever.cpp:27: error: within this context

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Can we have a private virtual method ?..

Answer / narasimulu

No we can't have private virtual method

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Can we have a private virtual method ?..

Answer / gopinath das

Yes , It we can have a private virtual method. It has
nothing to do with inheritance. It only resolve the dynamic
binding . Only difference is that , this method should be
used inside the class defination of the Base .
The derived class may implements the method either
public,private or protected.

class A
virtual void x(){cout<<"A"<<endl;};
class B:public A
//virtual void x(){cout<<"B"<<endl;}; // no prob
virtual void x(){cout<<"B"<<endl;};
int main()
A *a;
B *b=new B;
Out put:

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 7 No

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