how can we bind the multiplication of two drop down lists?
Name the methods by which output stream is controlled?
What is the default scripting language on the client side?
How do I open an asp file in excel?
What is a Cookie? What are the uses of Cookies?
hello dear this quadir saif and im doing bca .i want hotel management project in (with backend sql).on my id (
Define microsoft intermediate language (msil)?
What is Request Object?
What is the difference between Querystring collection and Form collection?
When is the Session_OnStart event fired? A. Upon every request from an application by a client for an .asp document. B. Upon the first request from an application by a client for any file in the application. C. Upon the first request for an .asp document from an application by a client. D. Upon the first request for the global.asa file, in which the event handler is located. E. Upon the first request for an. html or .asp document from an application by client
What is a variable?
What are the methods in Session Object?