write very briefly the underlyning functional concept of gsm
and cdma?

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write very briefly the underlyning functional concept of gsm and cdma?..

Answer / telecom specialist

GSM refers to Global System for Mobile communications while
CDMA refers to Code Division Multiple Access.
Both are two diffrent technologies in Telcommunications and
behave diffrently in terms of giving voice and data
services to the customer.
Though GSM is globally used teschnology - CDMA technology
has more benefits in terms of call clarity, faster data
speeds etc while GSM covers most of the network areas and
has got variety of handsets to choose from, people prefer
this technology.
Other than these 2 technologies we have other technologies
like TDMA, WCDMA etc

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write very briefly the underlyning functional concept of gsm and cdma?..

Answer / yuvaraj

1. CELL and Sector with multiple frequency / CDMA single
frequency as carrier {users are get identifies by codes}
2. used TDMA and FDMA for Accesing /CDMA uses CDMA method
3. GSM is intial 2G technology with intial voice rate of
9.6kbps/same with 14.4kbps
4.GSM emerges into WCDMA/cdma emerges into cdma 2000
5. power control in acces method is comparitively not
efficient (when compare to CDMA)/ cdma as PLL(phase locked
loops for power transmission) better
6.call hand off and network hand off is not smoother in
GSM/ CDMA follows soft handoff and handling call hence more
7. GSM use less bandwidth and more power comparitively /
CDMA uses less bandwidth and more power

8.cost wise for opeartor GSM is less costlier , but
efficiency wise CDMA is better

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write very briefly the underlyning functional concept of gsm and cdma?..

Answer / jms.shopno

i am not clear about answer of this question.

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