what is the use of temporary files?

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what is the use of temporary files?..

Answer / harsha

Temporary files are those files which have same
characteristics as that of any seq file. Temporary file are
created and deleted within the same JCL iteself.

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what is the use of temporary files?..

Answer / srinivas

if we want any file for temporary purpose we will use these
files bcz we will all our work after that it will delete
there it self so we can save the memory . for this we will
write in front of the && it will indicate that this file is

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what is the use of temporary files?..

Answer / pradeep k(cr)

Temporary file will create after submitting job and it will
delete after completing the job. Means temporary files will
not occupy any space.
This temporary files will create by using &&
(double amperson). Ex:&&TEMP means you are creating
temporary file by name TEMP.
Ex: if you want to sort FILE1 and after that you need to
use that file as input in your COBOL program, that time you
willl use this temporary file as SORTOUT file.

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what is the use of temporary files?..

Answer / sachin

@pradeep: Please recheck your comments before posting it. It has gramatical mistakes.

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what is the use of temporary files?..

Answer / m.s.mohamed

It temporary data are used to re collect the original data
at the time of re usability

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