meaning of accessory for central excise purpose
what the meaning of tax
Dear Sir, we have purchased Poly Covers ( 360mm x 560mm)for raw material use.This Input vat claim it or not ?
My estimated income for the financial Year 2009-10 will be 485000/- please make a tax plan to escape legally from paying taxes
who is liable to pay excise duty on monthly basis?or what is slab for excise duty liable to pay for monthly,quarterly ro half yearly?
if we are going to get the refund afterwards so why we should pay in advance the excise duty? if the excise duty paid in advance then what are the benifits for the company?
our customers deduct TDS under sec.194-J and make the payment. we deduct TDS under sec.194-J to clients and pay them professional fees. can we get credit of TDS which we made to our customers and claim for what we have to pay
What is the mode of payment of Entry Tax?
what is thr diff between commercial invoice and ecise invoice
What is meant by asset clearance . how should i make my entries in tally
What are the basic and additional conditions for resident and ordinarily resident (ror)?
we are in process of setting up a manufacturing unit in karnataka. can we procure cement from andhrapradesh by issuing c form
How calculate Rent income exemptions from taxable income under income tax act.isnn't 30% of total income???? plz explain with example?