who developed c and why he developed c?

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who developed c and why he developed c?..

Answer / shaff85

c developed by "dennis ritchie", before programming languages
has less features such as in "BCPL" and "B" earlier
languages before 'C', later Mr.ritchie came up with structured
programming languages with
1) rich set of operators
2)rich set of data types
3)pointers and pointer arthimetic

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who developed c and why he developed c?..

Answer / manikandan.m

dennis ritchie

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who developed c and why he developed c?..

Answer / krishna kanhaiya

dennis ritche are modified in "c" language .ken thomson are
sevloped in "B" language and that language modifier is
dennis ritche ...........
i am not sure write ya wrong

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who developed c and why he developed c?..

Answer / himaja

1.kthomson and denicsh ritch
2.Dennis Ritchie founded C at AT&T Bell Labs.@Nayanprakash..the two people u mentioned are not involved in finding C but "B" it was a language founded before C..
Originally developed by DENNIS RITCHIE in 70's Outgrowth of two earlier languages called BCPL and B.978,When Kernighan and Ritchie published a definitive description of the language.
..3.c was evolved from ALGOL, BCPL AND B by dennis ritchie at
bell lab in 1972..
4. language is also called as typeless lanugage, developed by ken thompson while writing unix. so Dennies ritchie written C compiler contains data types. then Unix written in C language
5.I am saying here only the best solution for this question "Ken thomson's B language + Dennis Ritche's cCompiler= Complete C language"

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who developed c and why he developed c?..

Answer / sravanthi

brain kernaighan

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