which state not have panchayati rajya
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In India, the proclamation of emergency is made under 1 Article 352 2 Article 356 3 Article 359 4 Article 360
3 Answers ESIC, Postal Assistant Exam,
Sir Charles Wood?s Despatch of 1854 dealt with (a) Administrative reforms (b) Social reforms (c) Economic reforms (d) Educational reforms
. Which one of the following modes of privatization is the most comprehensive and complete? (a) Introduction of private capital in public sector (b) Contracting out management of public enterprises to the private sector (c) Transferring ownership and management to the workers (d) Transferring ownership and management to the private sector
Who among the following decided to retire from 1st class cricket recently? 1 Virendra Sehwag 2 Rahul Dravid 3 J.Shrinath 4 None of these
For how much period can the term of Lok Sabha be extended during the Emergency? (a) By one year (b) By five years (c) By one year at a time (d) By six months
In some parts of the country Ball Gard (Bt) cotton, which is a G M crop, is being cultivated by the farmers. What is the full form of G M cotton? 1 Green Mechanised Cotton 2 Gruadually Moisturised Cotton 3 Genetically Modified Cotton 4 None of these
Where is Satish Dhawan Space Centre located ? (a) Ahmedabad (b) Balasore (c) Sriharikota (d) Thiruvananthapuram
2 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
what sort of questions to be prepared for the post of probationary officer in the interview
4 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
The Winter Olympic of 2002 will be organized in which of the following cities? 1 Nagano 2 Tokyo 3 Moscow 4 Salt Lake City
Why does India not sign the CTBT? (A) She wants Pakistan to sign the same (B) She wants the USA and Britain to sign the same (C) She wants all the terms of the treaty revised or modified (D) She wants some of the terms modified so that the bias could be removed
. Which of the following is the correct : hemoglobin is present in blood (1) It supplied oxygen to the body (2) It contains Iron (3) It gives red colour to the blood (4) It supplied food particles to the body (a) 1,2,3 and 4 are correct (b) 1, 3 and 4 are correct (c) 1, 4 and 2 are correct (d) 1 is correct
Which of the following States is called the ?Tiger State? of India? 1 Assam 2 Gujarat 3 West Bengal 4 M.P.
25 Answers AIIMS, IBM, RPSC Rajasthan Public Service Commission,