If the server restarts automatically often, what are the
steps need to be taken for troubleshooting?

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If the server restarts automatically often, what are the steps need to be taken for troubleshootin..

Answer / guest

first-chaque the supply in smps and earthing.
second-os file currupt so generally create this problem.
third-reistall os.

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If the server restarts automatically often, what are the steps need to be taken for troubleshootin..

Answer / surykant karale

1) chaque the supply in smps and earthing.
2) Then Chaque the Physical RAM. Clean the Dust from it.
3) Chaque Cooling of Processer / Headshink & fan is
properly working or not
4) Third cheque the newly installed hardware or software
casuing problem.
5) Cheque the firmware (BIOS) is updated or not.

will Update further more steps.....!

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If the server restarts automatically often, what are the steps need to be taken for troubleshootin..

Answer / rajasmanish

its not an hardware issue, issue is related to software,
could you please be specific in troubleshooting

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If the server restarts automatically often, what are the steps need to be taken for troubleshootin..

Answer / guest

we have to check following steps for resolving the
restarting issues on the system and server

*Check the power supply and connection
*Check the SMPS is working properly
*RUN on last working configuration
*Check the RAM
*Repair Using Server CD ( Insert the CD-->select BOOT from
CD/ROM-->press any key to boot from CD-->press F8 key for
accepting licence key-->it will show Repair,Quite, esc for
dont Repair
*You have to press Esc key --> then it will ask again repair
option this time you have to select repair--it will repair
the OS then it will restart--> now your restart problem has
been fixed--> IF not happening check the HDD

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If the server restarts automatically often, what are the steps need to be taken for troubleshootin..

Answer / guest2

Please answer the question only in professional way. Question is the steps of troubleshooting not just in one word. Be specific

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