write a program in c language to get the value of arroy
keys pressed and display the message which arrow key is
Answer / mohamed ziavudeen
#define KBHOME 327
#define KBEND 335
#define KBUP 328
#define KBDOWN 336
#define KBPGUP 329
#define KBPGDN 337
#define KBLEFT 331
#define KBINS 338
#define KBRIGHT 333
#define KBDEL 339
c0 = getch();
if (c0==0) {
if (c1==KBUP)
printf("You had hit the upper arrow key");
else if (c1==KBDOWN)
printf("You had hit the DOWN arrow key");
else if (c1==KBLEFT)
printf("You had hit the LEFT arrow key");
else if(c1==KBRIGHT)
printf("You had hit the RIGHT arrow key");
printf("You had hit some other key");
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main() { clrscr(); } clrscr();
hello sir,is there any function in C that can calculate number of digits in an int type variable,suppose:int a=123; 3 digits in a.what ll b answer?
main() { extern int i; i=20; printf("%d",sizeof(i)); }
Which one is taking more time and why ? :/home/amaresh/Testing# cat time.c //#include <stdio.h> #define EOF -1 int main() { register int c; while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) { putchar(c); } return 0; } ------------------- WIth stdio.h:- :/home/amaresh/Testing# time ./time_header hi hi hru? hru? real 0 m4.202s user 0 m0.000s sys 0 m0.004s ------------------ Witout stdio.h and with #define EOF -1 =================== /home/amaresh/Testing# time ./time_EOF hi hi hru? hru? real 0 m4.805s user 0 m0.004s sys 0 m0.004s -- From above two case , why 2nd case is taking more time ?
I need your help, i need a Turbo C code for this problem.. hope u'll help me guys.? Your program will have a 3x3 array. The user will input the sum of each row and each column. Then the user will input 3 values and store them anywhere, or any location or index, temporarily in the array. Your program will supply the remaining six (6) values and determine the exact location of each value in the array. Example: Input: Sum of row 1: 6 Sum of row 2: 15 Sum of row 3: 24 Sum of column 1: 12 Sum of column 2: 15 Sum of column 3: 18 Value 1: 3 Value 2: 5 Value 3: 6 Output: Sum of Row 1 2 3 6 4 5 6 15 7 8 9 24 Sum of Column 12 15 18 Note: Your program will not necessary sort the walues in the array Thanks..
main() { float me = 1.1; double you = 1.1; if(me==you) printf("I love U"); else printf("I hate U"); }
main( ) { void *vp; char ch = ‘g’, *cp = “goofy”; int j = 20; vp = &ch; printf(“%c”, *(char *)vp); vp = &j; printf(“%d”,*(int *)vp); vp = cp; printf(“%s”,(char *)vp + 3); }
main() { int y; scanf("%d",&y); // input given is 2000 if( (y%4==0 && y%100 != 0) || y%100 == 0 ) printf("%d is a leap year"); else printf("%d is not a leap year"); }
main() { extern int i; { int i=20; { const volatile unsigned i=30; printf("%d",i); } printf("%d",i); } printf("%d",i); } int i;
/*what is the output for*/ void main() { int r; printf("Naveen"); r=printf(); getch(); }
main() { printf("%d, %d", sizeof('c'), sizeof(100)); } a. 2, 2 b. 2, 100 c. 4, 100 d. 4, 4
18 Answers HCL, IBM, Infosys, LG Soft, Satyam,
main() { char *a = "Hello "; char *b = "World"; clrscr(); printf("%s", strcpy(a,b)); } a. “Hello” b. “Hello World” c. “HelloWorld” d. None of the above
4 Answers Corporate Society, HCL,