how to decrease the rate of material?
my parents resides in us and i have no reason to say why i will come back plz tell me what answer i will give as my interview is on 20 july
i completed my btech in 5years..can i get job on recruiters prefer me if i get a good command on java
Hi, I have passed the SBI SO written exam for the post Ass.Manager(Systems) . Could anyone help me with the interview type and questions? Thanks
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
what do you worry about?
HI, i was given only 1st round and i made it through the first round, then was sent for the final HR round.In the HR round the HR manager dint ask me a single question of the related job,all he asked was as following:- i)what are your salary Expectations ii)are you ok to do night shifts.then he thanked me and said he will let me know by 2 days,when i asked him for any feedbacks and suggestions he said that he will let me know only after 2 days.SO please help me what shall i expect from this one of a kind interview. Many thanks in advance.
Suppose for example somebody locked you in a room,room contains no windows except one door.what is your reaction?
what is the function of neutral c.t
When we are going to expect sbi clerical 20000 and probationary officers 5000. if any one have the idea please mail to me
what will be the total salary for a newly recruited taluk social welfare officer in karnataka ( Gazetted Group B Officer)
can u list out shares in nifty from tamilnadu based companies
Please send me NIC entrance for DIO and DIA question Sample paper at