What is the protocol for PING command?
What is the command to check ports active in UNIX?
what are the uses of filters?
hi i have directories within the directory. Now i want to copy the directory along with all directories included in it to one location by using copy command? what is the command
If we want to see first 35 lines of a file which command we have to use?
What command is used to check the current users?
How do I search for a file in unix command?
What does sed command do in unix?
who to change the duplex setting of network interface in command line
what do you understand bythe term 'de-mountable volumes'?
if we create a file, in that 10 rows(means 1,2,....9,10 like). i want 7 row exactly, which command use in unix? plz send this question.
their is a file1,file2 and i want to append file1 data to file2?
What is the general format of unix command syntax?