wages,conveyance,hra,spl allowance,P.F,& ESI payable
journal entry?
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Answer / ramesh
Wages a/c Dr xxxx
Conveyance a/c Dr xxxx
HRA a/c Dr xxxx
Spl allowance Dr xxxx
To P.F Payable a/c xxxx
To E.S.I a/c Payable xxxx
To Salary Payable a/c xxxx
Is This Answer Correct ? | 14 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / kiran kumar. r 9700473904
generally wages includes all of the items i.e
so we dont need to pass seperate entry for all of them.
you can directly pass one entry.
Salary a/c....Dr(total salary exp to be booked)
To salary Payable a/c (amount payble to employee)
To ESI payable a/c
To PF payabele a/c ...etc..(with this credit entry you
are recognising all liabilities . and when you deposite the
same with respective dept you will debit the accounts.
ESI payable A/c
PF payable A/c
Salary payable A/c
To Bank A/c
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / thangam gopalan
Wages a/c Dr.
Conveyance a/c Dr.
To Wages Payables
To Conveyance Payables
P.F a/c Dr.
ESI a/c Dr.
To PF Payables
To ESI Payables
HRA a/c Dr.
Spl Allowance Dr.
To Employees Payables
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / hetal bijalani
Wages include above all the items so the entry will be
Bank A/c dr
to Wages payable a/c
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 6 No |
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