What is R T T I ?
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Run Time Type Information ( RTTI ) : Run-time type
information (RTTI) is a mechanism that allows the type of
an object to be determined during program execution.
There are three main C++ language elements to run-
time type information:
The dynamic_cast operator : Used for conversion of
polymorphic types.
The typeid operator : Used for identifying
the exact type of an object.
The type_info class : Used to hold the type information
returned by the typeid operator.
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Answer / sanjay makwana, puna
Run time type identification.
through typeid operator we can justify object at run time.
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RTTI as known Runtime Type Identification.
If you want to cast the object of one class as the object
of another class so u require to know the type of the
object at the runtime .
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Answer / prabhakar
run time type identification
1. dynamic _cast
2.static cast
4.const cast.
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Answer / arun
RTTI> Run Time Type Identification
RTTI means during time of run object property can be
retrieve and changed. Under RTTI dynamic_cast<>, typeid,
const_cast<> etc are used.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / barkavi
RTTI means run-time type information or run-time type
identification.RTTI is mainly used for identifyig the type
of objects present in the program during execution.typeid is
one of identification in RTTI.run time type identifications
are namely
2.static cast
4.const cast
*typeinfo is holds the information of typeid
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
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