what is a function pointer and how all to declare ,define
and implement it ???

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what is a function pointer and how all to declare ,define and implement it ???..

Answer / abdur rab

A pointer variable which holdes the address of a function
is a function pointer.

declaration of function pointer

void (*function_name)( int, int ) = NULL;

defining a function

void sum ( int x, int y )
printf ( "\nThe sum :%d", x + y );

void difference ( int x, int y )
printf ( "\nThe difference :%d", x - y );

using the function pointer in the place of function.
Remember to use the same prototype as declared.

int main ( int argc, char* argv [] )
function_name = sum; //short way of doing
function_name = ∑ // best practice

function_name ( 10, 20 ); //short way of doing
(*function_name) ( 10, 20 ); //best practice

function_name = &difference; //best practice
(*function_name) ( 10, 20 ); //best practice

return ( 0 );


The sum :30
The difference :-10

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what is a function pointer and how all to declare ,define and implement it ???..

Answer / satish

Function pointer:
a function can be called not only by
its name,but also by other name which is called function

void fact(int);
void main()
printf("Enter n\n");
fact(n);/*normal calling a function*/
(*p)(n); /*fn calling using function pointer*/

void (*p)(int n)
int ans=1;

printf(" %d != %d",n,ans);

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what is a function pointer and how all to declare ,define and implement it ???..

Answer / swagatika

function pointer is function returning a pointer

int *sum(int a, int b)
int x;
x= a+b;
return &x;

but the pointer to a function means a function interm of
pointer pointing to the another function.

int (*sum)(sum1);//pointer to a function

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what is a function pointer and how all to declare ,define and implement it ???..

Answer / mathiyazhagan

A function can itself stored in a memory address.By calling
the address ,instead of function name,we can invoke
#include <stdio.h>
void sum(int,int);
void (*fp)(); //() denotes pointer to a function
fp=sum(); // no need & .reason : same of array
fp(10,20); //invoking function
void sum(int x,int y)
printf("sum of x%d and %d is =%d",x,y,x+y);

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