What is main difference between Cookie and Cache?
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Answer / malaya
cookies are small bits of files that store your session, and
other small data, its pretty much like a database in a
sense... while a cache is temporary storage for files used
by a program(typically a browser) to display items.... and
to get a quick access to pre-parsed files.....
your browser has to store the webpage, and all pictures,
video flash and those things on the cache so that it could
display it
while cookies, store only text based data about your
browsing stuff.. like passwords, number of pages visited,
session number, and so on....
Is This Answer Correct ? | 19 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / m arunachalam
cookies are small bits of files that store your session, and
other small data, its pretty much like a database in a
sense... while a cache is temporary storage for files used
by a program(typically a browser) to display items.... and
to get a quick access to pre-parsed files.....
your browser has to store the webpage, and all pictures,
video flash and those things on the cache so that it could
display it
while cookies, store only text based data about your
browsing stuff.. like passwords, number of pages visited,
session number, and so on.....
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / sethu raj
In simple,cookies are in secondary memory and cache is one
of primary memory.Cookies are temporary files for web
browsers regarding the site settings to the current user
like login names,passwords etc.cache is an adittional
buffer memmory to the processor.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 9 No |
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