what is TCP over IP?

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what is TCP over IP?..

Answer / chetan kawley

TCP/IP is an architechture like open system interconnection.
while TCP is a reliable protocol in transport layer of
TCP/IP which deals with process to process delivery between
two sytems.IP stands for internet protocol which works in
network layer and deals with source and destination logical
address between two systems on different remote networks.

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what is TCP over IP?..

Answer / raj

Transmission Control Protocol - Internet Protocol

It is used for transferring Data or sharing data by using
Lan device(LAN Card/ Network card)

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what is TCP over IP?..

Answer / devansh gupta

TCP/IP is a two-layer program. The higher layer,
Transmission Control Protocol, manages the assembling of a
message or file into smaller packets that are transmitted
over the Internet and received by a TCP layer that
reassembles the packets into the original message. The lower
layer, Internet Protocol, handles the address part of each
packet so that it gets to the right destination.

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what is TCP over IP?..

Answer / sree19189

TCP--Transmission Control Protocol
IP---Internet Protocol

TCP/IP is an protocol it runs on UDP(User Data
Protocol.TCP/IP is to know over address in 4oct's and it is
use to transfer the data from one address to another add and
to communicate each system in a same network

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 18 No

what is TCP over IP?..

Answer / talwinder

TCP/IP basicaly use to transrar data from one same network
to another.which holds the whole information about the
sender ans reciver on the network. these 4 octed address is
knows as the TCP/IP on the network

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what is TCP over IP?..

Answer / hitendra suthar

TCP/IP is not a single networking protocol but is a
combination of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) running
on top of Internet Protocol (IP). IP provides functions such
as addressing, communication and routing and carries TCP
data. TCP provides the means to guarantee reliable delivery
of computer data across a network using TCP/IP. IP segments
data from an application or program, is encapsulated inside
an IP datagram and the IP datagram is then sent over a
network connection. The TCP/IP suite of protocols is used
together to transfer data reliably over the Internet.

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what is TCP over IP?..

Answer / shoyeb

tcp-transmission control protocol
ip-internet protocol
it run udp user data program it runs octets configuration

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what is TCP over IP?..

Answer / amjad

TCP/IP is stack of protocols that contains all types of
protocols, means its a bucket of protocols in which all
protocols exist

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what is TCP over IP?..

Answer / vijay

TCP/IP it work on network leyer

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