Which command displays the IPX SAP table?
A.) show ipx sap
B.) show sap
C.) show ipx interface
D.) show ipx servers
E.) show ipx
Which symbol in the router prompt indicates you are in the privelaged mode? A. > B. ! C. # D. :
How do you disable advanced editing? A.) terminal editing B.) terminal no editing C.) disable editing D.) no terminal editing
What is the most common layer 2 device? A. Hub B. Bridge C. Switch D. Router
Tell me which cable called roll-over?
What is the most common layer 2 device? A. Hub B. Router C. Switch D. Repeater
What is wide-mouth frog?
Hi, Jitendra thanks for giving me answer of intervlan routing. it helps me to clear my concepts. Actually I am appearing for CCNA globel Certification exam in next month can some provides me tips for preparing exams. for ex. Notes, dumps on my email. umesh.pede402@gmail.com
In version 11.2 of the IOS, a Cisco router configured for frame-relay can automatically detect the LMI type. What is this known as? A.) Psychic B.) ESP C.) Inverse ARP D.) Hello E.) Reverse ARP F.) Autosense
Explain what are partial updates?
Identify 3 UDP characteristics? A.) Reliable communication protocol B.) Applications that use UDP must incorporate reliability C.) Connnection-less oriented D.) Incorporates no handshaking
Tell us the name of best path in eigrp protocol?