Linked list is a Linear or non linear explain if linear how
it working as a non linear data structures
what is the different between if-else and switch statment (other than syntax)
26 Answers CTS, Oracle, Scorpos,
Tell me a C program to display the following Output? 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5
How many levels of pointers have?
What are loops c?
What does %p mean?
What are structural members?
Is both getch() and getchar() functions are similar? if it is similar means why these two functions are used for same usage? if it is not similar means what is the difference?
what is purpose of fflush(stdin) function
how to exchnage bits in a byte b7<-->b0 b6<-->b1 b5<-->b2 b4<-->b3 please mail me the code if any one know to
how can i get the string which is having two spaces at the end.suppose the string is "Hello World ".Now at the end i have two spaces.i need to print with that spaces .
What is the main difference between calloc () and malloc ()?
read an array and search an element