what is the prime cost? and factory cost how to calculate
what is majore differance between TCS & TDS
When Selling a goods to a party Excise Duty chargable on VAT or not.
What is the treatment of Live Stock ? if it is transfer to the Profit & Loss Account or otherwise it will be treated?
sub: salary tds 1) will financial year and assessment year apply for salary tds. ie if my employer is deducting tax then will it be for the last year or current year. 2) in case of assessment year,( example 1st april 2009 to 31 march 2010), why it is given as one year does it mean that the total year is meant for assessing and then when shall we pay the tax or file the returns??? 3) in case of assessment year 1st april 2007 to 31 march 2009, when should i stop assessing and start deducting the tax and when should i pay it to it dept
Can a Company can issue C Forms in Advance to the seller (Other than govt.dept.)
what is the process of paid unpaid in service tax
one supplier/dealer of a Reputed Electric motor manufacturing company of Kolkata having shop in Dhanbad (Jharkhand)carges 10.3% E.D + Education cess + Jharjhand VAT on ordered value whether is it correct? Are dealer are supposed to charge E.D.
what is assessment year and previous year ?
50 Answers Bank Exams, Chartered Accountant, ICICI, SSC, TATA,
Define assessment year.
Vat Tax Paid comes under which head.
In Indian Taxation point of view, what you will look into a payment or what is to be observed while making a payment.
plz tell me calculation of service tax and tds. point by point