What is the difference between Connection Pool and data source?

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What is the difference between Connection Pool and data source?..

Answer / jaydeb chakraborty

Applications access a data source using a connection and
access Databases via DataSource objects.

A DataSource has a set of properties that identify and
describe the real world data source that it represents.
These properties include information such as the location
of the database server, the name of the database, the
network protocol to use to communicate with the server, and
so on.
DataSource object can be thought of as a factory for
connections to the particular data source that the
DataSource instance represents. In a basic DataSource
implementation, a call to the getConnection method returns
a connection object that is a physical connection to the
data source.

DataSource objects that implement connection pooling also
produce a connection to the particular data source that the
DataSource class represents. The connection object that the
getConnection method returns is a handle to a
PooledConnection object rather than being a physical
connection. An application uses the connection object in
the same way that it uses a connection. Connection pooling
has no effect on application code except that a pooled
connection, like all connections, should always be
explicitly closed. When an application closes a connection
that is pooled, the connection is returned to a pool of
reusable connections. The next time getConnection is
called, a handle to one of these pooled connections will be
returned if one is available. Because connection pooling
avoids creating a new physical connection every time one is
requested, it can help applications run significantly

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What is the difference between Connection Pool and data source?..

Answer / hitler

The Connection pool means equals instance of connections and
it refereed Data Source object.

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What is the difference between Connection Pool and data source?..

Answer / vijaya kumar

DataSource is an object reference which provides jdbc client to obtain a connection from connection pool.

Connection Pool is collection of ready to use database connections to connect the database.

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What is the difference between Connection Pool and data source?..

Answer / raju

Connection pool is an mechanism of pre-creating group of connections and keeping them in cache memory for use and reuse.
DataSource is an interface in javax.sql ackage.Datasource is nothing but object oriented representation of connection pool or DataSource can be called as connection factory.
Coming to DataSource implementations some third parties have implemented this datasource and also server vendors like Tomcat,Websphere also implemented.

NOTE:mostly we use the server implemented DataSources

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