Please Help...... One of my close relative leady ( Married)
presently working at state bank of hyderabad at hyderabad,
her husbend also working in PVT company at hyderabad. Now
she selected at UCO Bank for the post of the offer
letter they have not mentioned place of posting. but they
mentioned report for training at bhubaneswar , orissa . Now
she is confussion wether she will join at UCO bank or she dont know the place of posting .also she is
affriding if they post at orissa , or otherthen hyderabad
then her femily life will distrub. SO PLEASE HELP HER BY
Hi friends, I too hv an interview with sbi on the 16th oct 08. Will post questions asked to me after that. Wishing every1 all the very best!!! Regards Rashmi
3 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Hi, I attended interview for BoB Clerical b4 1month dated 20-05-2009. how can i come across the feedback for appointment. plz let me know.
does any bodyyyy know the actual date ,,when the sbi clerical result will be declared???????/
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
why do you want to work for sbi?
0 Answers Oriental Bank Of Commerce, State Bank Of India SBI,
suggest some book for prepration of clerical interview of sbi.
77 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
I have been short-listed for interview for clerical post in KARNATAKA BANK written exam held on January 3rd.I had completed M.C.A.What kind of questions will be asked in the clerical interview?Please help me..if any answers,kindly send 2 my
does any body from andhra pradesh has dena bank interview on 19 of this month
2 Answers Indian Overseas Bank,
I have attended sbi clerk interview on 05.05.2010. totally three members were in the interview panel. out of them two have asked simple questions about agriculture. i answered for them. the remaining one asked about rural development. it was difficult. whether i will be selected or not. please post ur answers.
I have all my service certificates of current and previous employer attested by hr of the company in the original one,do i need to again attest photocopies of the same(i.e service certificates) with a government officer or just xerox of the original certificate is enough. can any one respond to the query at the earliest as my interview of 7th may I have done attestation on the other photocopies of the certificates.
1 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Who is chief of Army, NAvy, Air force
whether NOC is required for private sector employee?
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,