i applied for loco pilot, goods guard, assistant station
master and electrical section engineer posts.can you sent me
the old question papers and syllabus of the examination to
the email
please send me last five years solved question papers
I am Durai from Madurai and now I am working in the field of Elevator industries and now have applied for Railway Section Engineer Post. The exam date is 12th Dec'10. I am very interested & eager to serve in our Government Sector as well as Technical Field. Please forward me the model question papers, ideas, notes for doing the Written exam successfully.... Note: My E-mail Id: With thans & regards, S.Durai.
Hi sir I am sumit patil from indore. I did m. pharmacy in pharmacology….unable to get job in core fied due to ban in clinical research by supreme court. now i am selected in ibps po interview . if they ask me why you want to join banking sector and what is use of your degree in banking?....what should be my answer?
I am preparing RRB-kolkata for Goods Guard Exam. Previous or Model Exam papers please send me before 15.09.2010 in my e-mail id:
Sir i am appearing for RRB 2009 exam for permanent way supervisor position please send me previous yrs question paper my mail-id
i have applied for the post f Librarian in RRB.what will be the question pattern of Librarian post.Kindly send to me the earlier question pattern of Librarian post.
please send the last 5 years {{{JUNIOR ENGINEER GR11- MACHANICAL RRB CHENNAI}}} TECHNICAL, General Knowledge,and Aptitude question papers TO MY EMAIL-
i need question with answer rrb accounts, asst station master & bank exam
Al Ahram is the newspaper published from (1) Karachi (2) Cairo (3) Baghdad (4) Kabul
Who is lovingly called Annavaru?, which means loving elder brother? (1) Sri S.M. Krishna (2) Dr. Raj Kumar (3) Sri C. Wodayer (4) None of these
sir, iam preparing for locopilot exams ITI(ELEC) Please can you mail me the model paper&syllabus for exam thanking you shankar