How can we pass data from cobol to JCl?
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Answer / sri
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Passing data from COBOL to JCL means where in JCL ?
Do you mean a file? File is also a part of JCL. If it is
file then your answer is WRITE the data into the file.
Do you mean a PDS member ? Then WRITE the data or what ever
into the PDS member.
Do you mean SYSOUT ? If so just DISPLAY the value.
If he says not these three then he need to tell what is the
purpose of moving data to JCL ? for you to give an answer.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 42 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / guest
We can pass the data from cobol to JCl
ex: Move 4 t0o return code.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 31 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / anil prajapati
we can pass data from cobol to jcl by using return-code
move 450 to return-code
if we are passing data likeit then at run time the maxx
return code will be this code if move code is a negative
number then after subtracting from 4096 maximum return code
will be displayed
Is This Answer Correct ? | 19 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / rosi
i need help
i need Passing a variable parm from JCL to a cobol/db2
I'm trying to write a batch cobol/db2 pgm wich receive in
linkage section some paremeters
I succeeded to pass a static string of characters but what
I need is variable parameters (INPUT )
The program (cobprog) is that when I run the job ,if PARMS
('&INPUT') returns :&INPUT and
if PARMS(&INPUT) returns :null
i need "myname" to the cobol/db2 program and name of the
Do you think helpe me?
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / mr2981
by using file we can pass data ,by using return code
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 14 No |
Answer / gigish thomas
create a Symbolic Parameter in jcl woith out goiving any
value.In the job step passthis symbolic parameter through
PARM parameter to cobol the linkage section of
the cobol program assign the value/string to the symbolic
variable. It will automatically reflect to the symbolic
variable which was defined in JCL program.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 18 No |
Answer / vip
By using the parm parameter in jcl and defining the
datanames in the linkage section of the cobol program.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 30 No |
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