Why do you want to join Banking Sector?

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Why do you want to join Banking Sector?..

Answer / robiul alam

Yes we do get a lot of queries regarding this question. I
have listed a few points and hope they are useful.

1) Banking Sector offers tremendous growth opportunities.
Candidates reach from Trainee Officer level to a General
Manager level.
2) Bank Employees have respect in society, since there is
direct interaction with the customers.
3) One of the maojor reason is Job security, especially with
Public Sector Banks.
4) Banks provide a challenging working environment, anyone
who loves to achieve work goals will definitely like a
banking job.
5) Banks are now using the best available technology for
their work, employees get the work on the latest banking
software which adds good weightage to their profile.
6) Overall banks provide opportunities for higher learning
which is the demand for career development.

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Why do you want to join Banking Sector?..

Answer / deepa shankar mehera

Banking Sector is secure to do job the growth in banking
sector is high.it provides a privilege to bankar. Banking
sector is one of the rapidly growing sector and there are
lots of oppourtunities to grow our career in this fields.

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Why do you want to join Banking Sector?..

Answer / raushan kumar

In banking sector to growth the opportunitie in carrer. In banking sector to meet always new people as a new customer to know about the our banking sector and marketing.In banking sector to provides all opportunities.

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