I have 3+ years of experience in software testing.But I had
to discontinue my job for 3 years for some personal
reason.Can I get a job now in hydearbad as a software
What is meant by a repo loan and what is the relationship between banks and the FED given the bailouts?
How long can a previous employer keep your email account active? I've been gone six months and they are still looking at emails sent to me.
i have a 4gb pandrive,and i want to write narrow image into pandrive
what compensation are you expecting?
i cleared the sept IBPS, and have applied for the interviews..please guide me on what type of questions might be asked by the panel...what dress code should i follow?
what is sink condition?
Which one of the following natural region is known as the 'Bread Basket' of the world? 1. Steppe region 2. Mediterranean region 3. Mansoon region 4. Equatorial region
Which language was mostly used for the propagation of Buddhism in ancient period
Notice period ?
Hi, It is really annoying for an aspirant of group1 exams, considering the uncertainity and sheer non transaparancy in the status of the supreme court judement pending..some body give a clear dates as to when it would be released.. and when would the next preliminary for group1 would be conducted.... Thanks in advance.. Please give the reliable and correct information....
hi guys! i am selected for sbi clk exam held on 01.03.2009. i am having interview on 27-05-09. guys any body having interiew before that pls post interview questions to b_praveen_raj@yahoo.com
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Why DNS uses both TCP and UDP ports.