Explain about image types in detail?
Answer / rekha_sri
We used the image types for printing,scanning and internet use.
Different types of image types.
PNG(Portable Network Graphics) format:
* We pronounced the .PNG as ping.
* Original purpose of PNG was to be a royalty-free GIF and
LZW replacement.
* However PNG supports a large set of technical features,
including superior lossless compression from LZ77.
* Compression in PNG is called the ZIP method, and is like
the 'deflate" method in PKZIP (and is royalty free).
JPEG(Joint Photographic Experts Group) format:
* .JPEG is pronounced as Jay Peg.
* This is the correct format for photo images which is very
For example,
for Websites or for email.
* It is offen used in Digital camera memory cards.
* JPG uses lossy compression (lossy meaning "with losses to
* Lossy means that some image quality is lost when the JPG
data is compressed and saved,and this quality can never
be recovered.
* File compression methods for most other file formats are
lossless, and lossless means "fully recoverable".
GIF(Graphic Interchange format) format:
* .GIF is file extension.
* There have been debates about pronunciation of .GIF
* Some one told that we need to pronunce like Jiff or
Gift(without the t).
* It is used to show images online.
* GIF is still an excellent format for graphics,especially
on the web.
BMP(Windows Bitmap)file format:
* The BMP file format (Windows bitmap) handles graphics
files within the Microsoft Windows OS.
* Typically, BMP files are uncompressed, hence they are
large; the advantage is their simplicity and wide
acceptance in Windows programs.
TIF(Tagged Image File Format):
* TIFF image format is not widely supported by web browsers.
* TIFF remains widely accepted as a photograph file standard
in the printing business.
* we can't use the TIF in internet browser.
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