Please send me the chart for Input tax restricted goods
how we issue the road permit to seller for receiving the rearing material
What is Tax refund?
1 Answers Deloitte, Ernst Young, Freedom Chemicals, Wipro,
What are the Interest Rate on Entry tax in UP ??
How will we caluclate interest on advance tax ?
Can a Company can issue C Forms in Advance to the seller (Other than govt.dept.)
what is cst and what is rate of cst in 2010
what is vat adjustmant?
Advance given to wife for buying a property ; tax treatment?
SELLER A : has a w/house in chennai and bangalore both and the BUYER B is based in chennai. SELLER A carries stock in both the locations. Can BUYER B buy who is based in Chennai request purchase from Bangalore through C-form .. and if so will there be any obligation on the Seller A
Our company is engaged in a business of Real state developer in andhra pradesh. we want to purchase some material from other states. we have central sales tax registration. whether we are eligible for issuing a form 'c' to the supplier being a deeloper.
What should be the minimum value of Invoice for which outward form 38 is required (seller haryana buyers other states)
Procedure to file TDS Returns?