what is the need of javascript in the internet
How to go next field without filling the text? Which function should we use?
Do I need var in javascript?
What are two-way data binding and one-way data flow, and how are they different?
Why extending array is bad idea?
What is stack queue?
Why is it called javascript?
Who introduced javascript?
Explain mul function in javascript?
What is the use of history object?
Hello , I am using following java script to open new window in I.E,but i am facing an issue the new window hangs often while opening,when you move mouse it opens normally.Can any body help me why this is happening as i am unable to understand this issue?please please if any one know so kindly help me I am in real difficulty through this issue.Thanks 'if(window.clipboardData){clipboardData.setData("Text","' + a.PatID + '");}' + 'ordwindow= window.open ("' + @OrderDetailURL + '", "RXOrderDetail", "location=0,status=0,menubar=0,toolba r=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1"); ordwindow.moveTo(parent.screenLeft,0);var x; x=new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");x.SendKeys("% "); x.SendKeys ("x"); //fcttest((sp_RX_ChangeOrderStatus ' + '''' + a.DocID + '''' + ', 1, ' + convert(varchar,@SessionID) + '));' As [W],
What's the purpose of javascript?
How does typeof operator work?