why human resourse?
i am appointed as postal assistant in march 2010.what will be my pay and grade and gross pay.in detail.
What is the Lowest Test Innings Total in test cricket history? (a)25 (b)30 (c)45 (d)55
Hi i am sindhu. I am waiting for an interview call from IBM. Could any body help me out wid the types of questions they ask in siebel in telephone interview.If anybody faced this telephone calls pls share wid me...
Any difficult situation which u have ever handled in the absence of ur team leader? would be better if answer is from BPO (Call centers)
hi...my score is 85 in apspsc group 1..but am from Tamilnadu so i think i will come under general categ..shall i expect my result..pls anybody help..
how to prepare for examinations in higher education?
during whose reign did the marathas reach maximum expansion
hi... I had a friend who met someone from San diego C.A and her fiance'e file her for a petetion together with her 2 yrs old daugther.. and My friend with her daugther arrive in san diego like March 2008 they supposed to get married within in 90 days but their relationship not working out and my friend move to her sister in somewhere in U.S and she live in her sister with her daugther in 7 months before she get back her philippines.. My questions.. My friend met a new man from los angeles is the other guy can get a new k1 fiance visa for her and bring her to u,s back for marry? and when the man file a petetion for her do he know that my friend had already been there in u.s with her daugthre?
Internet site would you like the most?
when was the EAST INDIAN ASSOCIATION founded?
what compensation are you expecting?
how to answer tell me about yourself in an interview by a fresher