what is reverse credit & how it is calculated in vat law in
west bengal?
last financial year'2007-08 i have not deposit TDS amount till today. can i deposit TDS amount now with interest. please advise me.
Is car hire charges attract FBT?
Sir, An Awarder make part payment to the Contractor after deducting retention money @5%. The retention money will be paid to the contractor when the contract work is fully completed. Here my question is,when the Awarder has to deduct tax on retention money, at the time of deducting the retention money or at the time of payment of retention money when the contract is completed? Here "Tax" means Income Tax, VAT, Service Tax etc. Please reply Thanking You
Please guide me... We are dealing in trading of industrial material. What is the difference between importer, 1st stage dealer, 2nd stage dealer and 3rd stage dealer? Whether all of these above can pass on the excise duty to the end user. Please tell me and thanks in advance.
What is Differed tax Liability?
what is vat,meaning,procedure,heads,rates,all form of vat,when vat is filled,full information about vat?
what is vat.how it calculated.example i purchased Rs.5000.how much percent charged vat.how post entry
how to calculate service tax
Tell me how many taxes applicable in a Company and How can I calculate ?
2 Answers Real Estate, Travel Plan,
can i adusted our vat credit in W.C.T. payable?
how will one calculate TDS when the bill is with service tax (SAY an AMC bill ) and what treatment will be there when it is a rent bill with service tax. is there any rules in income tax as to deduct double taxation?? pls help with rules sir
what is full rate fo tax for non submission of C forms