sir iam doing b-tech (cse).the other qualification is hardware &
networking(mcse,ccna)&.i want to know what type jobs there in
railways about networking.
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Answer / phanindra
your ans is an idea to get rrb please consider my quation and send me a relevent answer to me. your suggition is very importent to me.
iam thinking soon i will helpfulto you.
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Answer / phani12527
your ans is an idea to get rrb please consider my quation and send me a relevent to me your suggition is very importent to me.
iam thinking soon i will helpful.
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L.V.D.T (1) enables measurement of temperature (2) helps in converting linear movement into electric signal (3) transforming electric signal in linear motion (4) can be used to identify angular displacement
all type question of rrb kolkata.
Sangeeth Rathna Mysore Tirumakoodalu Chowdliah (1894-1967) was a talented violinist of the 20th century. He invented _______ strings violin. (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 7
The benefit of Privy Purses had been abolished by Government of India in the year (1) 1947 (2) 1950 (3) 1969 (4) 1975
Sir plz send me the pattern of RRB entrance exams for the post of Junior Engg(signal)
If, (a-b) = 4 and a x b = 2, then (a2+b2) = ? (a) 20 (b) 18 (c) 25 (d) None
i had applied for the post of junior engineer in RRB CHENNAI, can you please send me the previous five year question paper to MY MAIL ID:
The sculpture with the three faces of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh known as ?Trimurti? appears in ______ caves (a) Kalva (b) Ellora (c) Elephanta (d) Ajanta
hai sir/madam can you please send rrb exam (mechanical engineer)technical previous question papers? where we get those previous question papers and material?
The motion of an electron is affected by (1) only an electric field (2) only a magnetic field (3) both electric and magnetic fields (4) either an electric or magnetic field
iam a engineering graduate, i want to know the exam pattern for railway engineer jobs