why we are using float in C
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main() {char a[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6};int x; for(x=0;x<4;x++){ b[x]=x+'a';} printf("%s",b);}
what are the different storage classes in c?
What is the difference between strcpy() and memcpy() function in c programming?
Can a pointer be static?
dibakar & vekatesh..uttejana here..abt ur reply for in place reversal of linked list..wats p stands for there?
please tell me the logic for this C program : INPUT (string):ABCD OUTPUT :BCDA CDAB DABC
helllo sir give me some information of the basic information the c as printf ,scanf , %d ,%f and why is the main use of these.
Do you know the use of fflush() function?
What does return 1 means in c?
What are identifiers in c?
how to find greatet of 10 numbers without using array?
How do I round numbers?