what is multijoin logical file?
what are the keywords available in joinlogical file?
what are the mandatary keywords for joinlogical file?
explai the keywords?
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Answer / maddy
Multi join logical file is file joining more than two files. Keywords available with join logical files as as below:
JFILE - mandatory record level keyword giving files list to be joined
JOIN - mandatory join level keword only if more than two files are joined
JREF - reference to the file in joined file when a field in join logical file is not unique among the two files
JDFTVAL - optional to be used when one wants the primary file records are to be fetched even if secondary doesn't exist
JFLD - mandatory join level key word giving the join condition
JDUPSEQ - optional keyword when there are duplicate join fields are present to give the order
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Keywords for Join logical file..
JDFTVAl(File Lavel Keyword)
JFILE (*Record format lavel Kewword)
JOIN (*Record format lavel Kewword)
JFLD (*Record format lavel Kewword)
JREF (*Field lavel Keyword)
JDUPSEQ (Field lavel Keyword)
* Manadatary Keyword
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