a pic s9(4) comp
b pic s9(4) comp-3
c ????????????????
d ????????????????
move a to c
add a+B giving d.

what is ur declaration for c,d?

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a pic s9(4) comp b pic s9(4) comp-3 c ???????????????? d ???????????????? move a to c add a+B g..

Answer / mithlesh

since A is the comp field it takes 2 bytes space and B is
the comp-3 field it takes 3 bytes .

Now for the the declaration C and D they must be declaraed
into s9(4) and S9(5) pic caluse.

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a pic s9(4) comp b pic s9(4) comp-3 c ???????????????? d ???????????????? move a to c add a+B g..

Answer / lu

before answering this questions, i say "you need to code
PROPERLY, CORRECTLY" ok ....you add S9() comp to S9() comp.
comp-3 with comp-3...ok...

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a pic s9(4) comp b pic s9(4) comp-3 c ???????????????? d ???????????????? move a to c add a+B g..

Answer / vinodquestion

I dont know what you need mr. LU. My question is in place of '?' what do you code for that manipulations.. i.e give declarations for c,d and it satisfies both move,add operations.. if it is not possible give me your conclusion...

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a pic s9(4) comp b pic s9(4) comp-3 c ???????????????? d ???????????????? move a to c add a+B g..

Answer / abhay

C should be declared as S9(04)
D should be declared as s(05)

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