what is the best way, in terms of performance, to do
multiple insert/update statements, a PreparedStatement or
Batch Updates?

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what is the best way, in terms of performance, to do multiple insert/update statements, a PreparedS..

Answer / ravi

It depends on the context. If you have many records that
need to be updated and you are not bothered about having
interactive session, I would choose batch. But that raises
the question, where do you store all the transactions that
need to be persisted/updated until the batch runs. Do you
want to store to a temporaray storage before updated. It
depends on the design on the system.

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what is the best way, in terms of performance, to do multiple insert/update statements, a PreparedS..

Answer / nirmal

The easiest way is to use RMI to start the app and check to
see if it's already running.

The basic structure is this:

The main method of your app checks the RMI registry to see
if the app is started. If so, exit.
Otherwise, the main creates an instance of the app (which
is a remote object) and registers it in the RMI registry.
The class' constructor creates the GUI and displays it.
Alternatively, you could create a "start" method that you
call via RMI to start the app.

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