we know the speed of light......
then what is the speed of darkness?????????????

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we know the speed of light...... then what is the speed of darkness?????????????..

Answer / moyan

The speed of light refers to the speed at which light is
propagated. Thus, the speed of darkness is the speed at
which light is dissipated. Therefore the speed of darkness
is the speed of light (2.9979 x 10^8 m/s)

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we know the speed of light...... then what is the speed of darkness?????????????..

Answer / krishna_madura

where darkness is the absence of light because light has
absence so..speed of darkness is zero

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we know the speed of light...... then what is the speed of darkness?????????????..

Answer / govardhan

speed of darkness cannot be measured.. or there is no method to measure it..

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we know the speed of light...... then what is the speed of darkness?????????????..

Answer / govardhan

So darkness is dimension less and direction less quantity...We can say intensity of light but we cannot say intensity of darkness.. Absence of light is darkness.. And darkness need not be equal to speed of light!! the whole universe is in fact has more darkness..

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we know the speed of light...... then what is the speed of darkness?????????????..

Answer / adriarain

Govardhan, If I was to give you a candle and this candle was
the hottest thing in the universe....

Then I asked you.. How cold is it ?

Would you say it is 0% cold or even zero cold ?

The same applies to Darkness. It is simply when one state
changes from something to nothing.

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we know the speed of light...... then what is the speed of darkness?????????????..

Answer / adrianrain

The speed of 'darkness' can be calculated by looking at the
speed of which light leaves the area you presume is dark.

Obviously this is also at the speed of light.

Due to the absence of light there is no calculation that can
be done. The speed of the dark as the dark does not flow in
any direction it is simply the absence of light.

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