how report can be generated if we have the database designed
in oracle 10g?
What does TKPROF stand for?
How do you call other Oracle Products from Oracle Forms?
can u call procedure or function is sq l query in reports
LOV can best describe a) window b)modal c)list d) none of these d)
What are the different types of Coordinations of the Master with the Detail block?
what is a package n what r the packages availbla in report
i have a repeating frame that prints on every page for a product code. But when on page ends the info associated with that product code is truncated and not overflowed to the next page.On the next page data with the new product code is displayed. I want the data for one product code to be continued on the next page if it does not fit on a single page. The values are as: repeating frame vertical = variable horizontal = variable page protect = 0 print object on = first page base printing on = enclosing object for the outermost frame which encloses the repeating frame: print object on = last page base printing on = anchoring object end of layout section = yes rest all the values are same as the repeating frame
What are the display styles of an alert?
What is the difference between object embedding & linking in Oracle forms?
what is oracle forms?
i have 9 values in a table i.e -99 -56 -32 41 -2 33 95 -88 55 my question is that i wanna elimenate all -ve values and wann sum of + values in report i m using devsuite 10g its urgent kindly if anyone knows that answer message me the following yahoo id thanx ALI
can i use lexical variable in formula column