I had filed e-filling IT Return for A.Y.2011-12 before 1yr but yet I have not get Refund & not seen refund status at on income tax site now I filed e-return for A.Y. 2012-13 now what i do for refund A.Y. 2011-12?
1741Whether the term loan which was long term as on Mar-11, but now it is short term due to its repayment within one year from the reporting period. Whether it should be classified as short term borrowings or other current liabilities as per Revised schedule VI.
2 4400Normally we sale Black Pitch on 2% CST for OMS. Now i am going to make transaction from MH to GUJ with full tax. Pls confirm % for full tax from MH to GUJ
1 3863Can salary paid to promoters before incorporation be taken as a part of pre-incorporation expense? If yes how is the TDS part to be dealt with?
2180If ABC security service provider monthly bill for the month of Jan is Rs.2,00,000/- including TDS 2% and Service Tax 12%, Edu.Cess 2% and SHE Cess 1% what is the journal entry.
3 11558A machinery item puchase form M/s. XYZ for the cost of Rs.2,00,000/- with freight charges Rs.20,000/- and installation charges Rs.10,000/- what is the journal entry
4 17286
What does overhead mean in regards to accounting?
please tell me short cut method in maths as well as in english for correcting the error for the post of clerck in bank exam
What is the difference between excise & service tax?
Explain the term account payable?
my interview is on tuesday so i just want to know everything about the interview like which type of question they will ask me as i completed m.com . please helm me plz plz
Are these new fields that get created as a result of dff free text?
what was the rate of duty i have to pay if i want to import 1) lubricants(engine oil, etc) 2) grease 3) v-belts(rubber belts used in machines, cars, etc)
What are the rules for debit and credit for different accounts to increase the amount in your business accounts?
what is t code of gr/ir report?
Tell me what is the general classification of accounts that usually ledger account involve?
What is rate & taxes in Accounting. when we make a journal entry like rate & taxes debit & party credit. So i want to guide me consider for rate & Taxes.
Take me through the entire vendor cycle.
How to Prepare Balance Sheet for Annual Tax Assessment. Do You Have any Format, Please send on (Pankajica15@gmail.com)