Aeronautical Engineering Interview Questions
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Why Many International Students Are Adopting Associate Degree Programs?


Whow works the jet engine plz explain????????????


2 4999

In an airframe assembly,whats the use of STRESS ANALYSIS being conducted on newly designed component or modified component...?

4 7019

Whats the principle of Aircraft's working in every GAG cycle (GROUND-AIR-GROUND)..


3 11264

Is IC engines available (Other than GT's)in aircrafts

4 4939

hi iam kishore i completed 3rd-2sem year , i have only 50 credits will i be promoted to 4th year and according to jntu new rules how many credits do i need to get in to 4th year . please let me know as soon as possible. thankyou \

2 4259

if you have valve with a fluid flow at a given psi, what is the stress to the valve?


If you have a fuel valve with a pressure applied, what is the stress to the open and closed valve?


skrtch and discuss an optical pyrometer. hoe is its accuracy improved? also state why this instrument cannot be used in temperture control system.



hi friends iam electrical engineer ,iam interesting to know about the, working principle of aeroplane ,so anybody please refer me the apt book or websites for learn about it

6 5770

1)what distance should be maintained between networking (data) cable & power cable if both cables are run in a seperate condute pipe parallaly? 2)what happnes if networking cable & power cable run parallel to each other, eventhough they run in a seperate condute pipes?

2 5983

how can u define testing and troubleshooting


how the shockwave produced in aerofoil,and actually what happen that region? i want deep explaination

2 4922

how many seats r there in chemical eng. in iit through gate



can a corbondioxide gas use as fuel source

2 4188

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Un-Answered Questions { Aeronautical Engineering }

How do you address environmental and sustainability concerns in aeronautical engineering, such as reducing carbon emissions from aircraft?


Can you explain the key principles of aerodynamics and how they are essential in aircraft design?


what is loop or pigtail in an impulse line


What is the range of value of Mach number for Subsonic, Transonic and Hypersonic flow?


Explain the concept of fly-by-wire technology and its advantages in modern aircraft design.


What medical aid is NOT allowed to carry with you on air-craft?


What are the differences between inviscid and viscous flow?


how many types of tenders are there?


What are the differences between incompressible and compressible flows?


Explain when can one deviate from any flight rules and regulations?


What would you do if your captain were not following the instructions properly?


Discuss the impact of avionics and advanced control systems on aircraft safety and efficiency.


What is the difference between fail-safe and safe-fail design methodologies?


What will be the responsibility of the spacecraft dynamics?


What are the different speed types of flows used in identifying Mach number?