How many types of Delete Actions are there in Standard Ax and define the use of each?
What should we do if we need last record to be active when a form is opened?
What are changes between ax2009 and ax2012?
What are all the New Features are added in Ax 2009?
Where is the best place to write the logic in ax?
How can we restrict a class to be further extended?
Explain different types of reports?
Definition and use of Maps, how AddressMap (with methods) is used in standard AX?
How to design a form in AX using X++?
Do we need to write main method, give reasons?
Define AOT?
What are the Types of Delete Actions.
What is section template and report template?
In which case delete_from and delete() have same result?
What is difference between Auto design and Generate design ? If we uses both designs in a report what design will be print?