Agriculture Interview Questions
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I have done Bsc - Ag and then PGPABM ie Agribusiness Management from MANAGE ( AICTE recognised institute) . Can I write NET entrance and be eligible for teaching at any of the State Agricultural Universities. Can the MBA be treated as equal to Msc-Ag and can I pursue Phd.

2 4508

what is light pollution?


2 4540

Hai everyone, Iam Manju, I have been called for writing Agriculture Graduate trainee exam in IFFCO... Iam a B.Sc Agriculture graduate... Can anyone say what are the duties of Ag.Graduate trainee and also about IFFCO.. I need to know about that... Please help me...

Baidu, IFFCO,

1 5456

what is the cause of water pollution in rural areas?

2 12745

How to increase the yield twice in a year in the mango garden?



water from osmosis plant can it will be used for agriculture?

1 3794

what is artificial chromosome construction

1 3983

what will be effct on plant if we apply urea 2 to 3 times of it's requirement.ask in iffco AGT interview

Baidu, IFFCO,

6 10259

what is the scientific process of cultivetion of medicinal plant like safed musli and seena for indian climate.?

Baidu, Punjab National Bank,


Who earns more money in Belize A horticulturist or an agronomist?


1 4125

who is the first noble prize ricever in main indian


2 4895

how do we know that seed is albuminous or exalbuminous?


1 3181

write a program that will sort the given five numbers in ascending order using (bubble sort)(selection sort)

Birsa Agricultural University,


what is the difference between compost and fym

Allem Brothers,

1 9553

what are all the agriculture universities/colleges conducting PG Entrance test for students in all over India?does the graduates from the agricuture colleges are (not recognised by ICAR ) eligible?



Post New Agriculture Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Agriculture }

What is edaphology? : soil science


Is it better, to kill the black alkali in the soil with gypsum, just to scatter it over an alkalied spot or to plow the soil first and then use the gypsum if you are going to sow alfalfa?


what is the scientific process of cultivetion of medicinal plant like safed musli and seena for indian climate.?


What are modalities?


What is the agreement on agriculture?


Have solutions been found to the ssm issues that became contentious during the july mini-ministerial meeting?


Do you know where did the first soils come from? : soil science


What is pedology in soil? : soil science


How have you utilized renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to enhance sustainability in agricultural operations?


What causes salinization of soil? : soil science


What about disciplines on the non trade distorting or green box support measures?


Are the bites toxic? If toxic, what kind of symptoms are manifested from the bite?


Who was the first person to recognize that true flies have two wings and gave them the name ?Diptera??


How will india protect the interests of its poor and vulnerable farmers?


Where are sedimentary rocks found? : soil science