jQuery Interview Questions
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​ What is difference between prop and attr?

1 1475

What is event.PreventDefault?

1 1282

What is the difference between event.PreventDefault and event.stopPropagation?

1 1514

What is the difference between event.PreventDefault and "return false"?

1 1617

What is the difference between event.stopPropagation and event.stopImmediatePropagation?

1 2443

How to check if number is numeric while using jQuery 1.7+?

1 1714

How to check data type of any variable in jQuery?

Infoica Tech,

1 2915

How do you attach a event to element which should be executed only once?

1 1410

Can you include multiple version of jQuery? If yes, then how they are executed?

1 1676

In what situation you would use multiple version of jQuery and how would you include them?

1 1449

Is it possible to hold or delay document.ready execution for sometime?

1 1854

What is chaining in jQuery?

1 1685

How does caching helps and how to use caching in jQuery?

1 1376

You get "jquery is not defined" or "$ is not defined" error. What could be the reason?

1 1656

How to write browser specific code using jQuery?

1 2865

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Un-Answered Questions { jQuery }

How to check if number is numeric while using jquery 1.7+? : jquery mobile


How we can select multiple elements in jquery?


Explain animate function in jquery?


How do you install/use jquery in a project.


What are the guidelines for an application to follow the principles of progressive enhancement.


Which command will give a version of jQuery?


Hide and show image on button click using jQuery?


Can you give me a brief history of your programming days? Where did it all start?


What are two different version of jquery library? : jquery mobile


How to get the style property of an element using ?


How to write cookies in jquery?


What is the difference between jquery and javascript?


What is the use of delay() method in JQuery?


What is the difference between "#" and "." selector in JQuery?


What is the use of param() method?