ERRORS Interview Questions
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ORA-36686: (XSDPART24) Value number is not in partition number.

1 2160

ORA-36688: (NTEXTCNV00) Error during conversion from TEXT to NTEXT.

1 2162

ORA-36690: (NTEXTCNV01) Error during conversion from NTEXT to TEXT.

1 2396

ORA-36691: (NTEXTCNV02) Invalid escape sequence in argument to UNISTR function: string.

1 2141

ORA-36692: (XSRELTBL00) The format of the HIERHEIGHT command is: HIERHEIGHT relation1[(dimension dimvalue, ...)] into relation2 [using relation3 | a | d] [inhierarchy {variable | valueset}].

1 2524

ORA-36694: (XSRELTBL01) The value cannot be added to dimension workspace object.

1 2319

ORA-36696: (XSRELTBL02) QDR dimension workspace object should not be the related dimension of the relation.

1 2238

ORA-36698: (XSRELTBL03) QDR dimension workspace object should be in the dimension list that dimensions the relation.

1 2078

ORA-36700: (XSRELTBL04) QDR dimension workspace object repeats.

1 2332

ORA-36702: (XSRELTBL05) The format of the HIERHEIGHT function is: HIERHEIGHT(relation [,] level) level >= 1.

1 2196

ORA-36704: (XSRELTBL06) workspace object should be dimensioned by workspace object.

1 2102

ORA-36706: (XSRELTBL07) workspace object should be dimensioned by workspace object and one level dimension.

1 2296

ORA-36708: (XSMXALLOC00) Variable workspace object must be dimensioned to be used by the ALLOCATE command.

1 2419

ORA-36710: (XSMXALLOC01) TARGETLOG variable workspace object must be dimensioned identically to TARGET variable workspace object.

1 2403

ORA-36712: (XSMXALLOC02) Relation workspace object must be a one-dimensional self-relation to be used as a SOURCE or BASIS with ALLOCATE.

1 2356

Un-Answered Questions { ERRORS }

I entered the data in SQL toad version 9.0.1 in English and Arabic language but when i do the query i get the data in Arabic language with (??? question mark) ,please your support.


I'm having trouble with coming up with the correct code. Thank You!! The assignment was to write a program using string functions that accepts a price of an item and displays its coded value. The base of the keys: X C O M P U T E R S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sample I/O Dialogue: Enter Price: 489.50 Coded Value: PRS.UX


IMP-00064: Definition of LOB was truncated by export


RMAN-05017: no copy of datafile number found to recover


//jobname positional parms,keyword parms,.... Restart=step3 //.. //.. //.. //step3 exec=xxxx //... //step4 exec=yyyy,cond=(0,Le,step3) //.. //step5 exec=zzzz Restart =step 3 executes step3.Step 3 gives some return code.In step 4,the test is passed as 0 is less than step 3.So step 4 is bypassed and is not executed. and the program is responsible for issuing the return code that was not even loaded in the main storage. The result: no return code can exist In the steps that follow any test of COND parameter tat attempts to interrogate this non-existent return code will be ignored . Step 5 will be e executed. IN THIS EXAMPLE WHAT DOES XXXX YYYY ZZZZ MEAN?? PLEASE CAN ANYONE SAY...


Write down the difference between c. Loop and goto statement d. (!0) and (!1) e. (1= =! 1) and (1!=1) f. NULL and !NULL


How will you Handle Error in SQL SERVER 2008?


today's peformance is less than took 1 mint and today's performance is 7 mints.guys can anyone answer to mu question in sql


How to create a program that lists countries capitals when country is entered? (Terribly sorry, I'm a complete novist to coding with C, am looking for inspiration and general tips on how to code and create this program.)


IMP-00063: Warning: Skipping table "string"."string" because object type "string"."string" cannot be created or has different identifier


according to class7 how can we give description on pendrive?


What is live lock, deadlock and what is Lock escalation?


What is SCD (Slowly Changing Dimensions)? What are its types?


mount: mount to NFS server failed: System Error: Connection timed out


How to solve -805 error i.e. Bind issue. There are two conditions- 1) If you have access to the database table 2) If you don't have access to the table