ERRORS Interview Questions
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AMD-00130: dimension #string: RDBMS dimension column data type not specified

1 2876

AMD-00131: dimension #string: RDBMS parent column data type not specified

1 2472

AMD-00132: dimension #string: RDBMS GID column data type not specified

1 2543

AMD-00133: measure #string: analytic workspace measure name not specified

1 2359

AMD-00134: measure #string: RDBMS measure column name not specified

1 2437

AMD-00135: measure #string: RDBMS measure column data type not specified

1 2905

AMD-00136: Generation of SQL script "string" failed

1 2632

AMD-00137: prefix "string" exceeds maximum permitted length of string characters

1 2564

AMD-00138: level names parameter not null or defaulted

1 2322

AMD-00139: level names parameter not valid

1 2545

AMD-00140: internal error: [string] [string] [string] [string] [string]

1 3318

AMD-00141: parameter string of "string" not valid starting around "string"

1 2423

AMD-00142: Analytic Workspace name "string" must be fully qualified with the Owner.

1 2720

AMD-00143: View name "string" must be fully qualified with the Owner.

1 2565

AMD-00144: Custom Measure "string" does not exist in Workspace "string"

1 2660

Un-Answered Questions { ERRORS }

after going to service throw to administrator tools service promp are not opening


Hi guys, I have four tables those are emp,dept,eliminate and uneliminate. i wrote small cursor..when i run, it display one error (ORA-01403 nodata found)... The query is: Declare cursor c1 is select e.ename emp_name from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno group by deptno; r1 c1%rowtype; test_emp varchar2(200); begin for r1 in c1 loop begin select eliminate_emp into test_emp from eliminate t,uneliminate ut where t.number=ut.number and t.deptno=e.deptno and rownum<1; end; dbms_output.put_line(r1.emp_name); end loop; end; Thanks...


today's peformance is less than took 1 mint and today's performance is 7 mints.guys can anyone answer to mu question in sql


why we are using shift key in unix shell script


I-series. When I use: qtp DICTIONARY(PDMZZ) AUTO (*LIBL/MFR0120X)I get the error: *E* Can't open the file specified on the AUTO program parameter. File of different type already exists. When I use it auto without *libl ,qtp DICTIONARY(PDMZZ) AUTO (MFR0120X), it works fine


IMP-00096: Warning: Skipping table "string"."string" because type synonym "string"."string" cannot be created


NZE-28868: Peer certificate chain check failed.


i want a list of top 10 nationalized banks in inda....can some expects help me???


ORA-26095: unprocessed stream data exists


IMP-00070: Lob definitions in dump file are inconsistent with database.


ORA-16626: failed to enable specified object


I have got one job selection order from DECON ENGG(HRD), he told me to send 2000 rs of demand draff i have send the demand draff after some time a got a job selection order in banglore but he have written that u have to give 550 rs of Guidency fees in bangalore i dont understant what to do


How to solve -805 error i.e. Bind issue. There are two conditions- 1) If you have access to the database table 2) If you don't have access to the table


how to overload main method in java?


Account GOLD-100200 not allowed to be defined as reconciliation account Message no. AC309 Diagnosis Account 100200 is defined as a reconciliation account for fixed assets for chart of accounts GOLD and account determination 11000. This is not correct in the circumstances (Accumulated depreciation account for ordinary depr). Keep in mind that the Customizing definition of the given depreciation area also influences the consistency check of the G/L accounts. This is particularly true for the posting settings in the depreciation area, if the accounts are value adjustment (depreciation) accounts. Procedure Change the account definition, or assign a different account. ERROR MESSAGE “Account INT-160600 not allowed to be defined as reconciliation account” . Message No.: AC309 ANALYSIS The above error message occured when saving the configuration changes in “Acquisition from affiliated company” through config transaction AO90. Here’s the configuration path that prompted the error: Path: IMG → Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Integration with the General Ledger → Assign G/L Accounts. Transaction Code: AO90 G/L account 160600 is entered in the highlighted “Acquisition from affiliated company” field. Upon saving the configuration change, the above error messageprompted. Do note that g/l account 160600 has been defined as reconciliation account type for asset. Here’s how it is set- up. SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS Account 160600 is defined as a reconciliation account for fixed assets for chart of accounts BPPH and account determination 1000. This is not correct in the circumstances (Clearing acct: Acquisition from affiliated company). Keep in mind that the Customizing defination of the given depreciation area also influences the consistency check of the G/L accounts. This is particularly true for the posting settings in the depreciation area, if the accounts are value adjustment (depreciation) accounts. SOLUTION & PROCEDURE If the g/l account entered is correct change the settings of g/l account 160600. Do not set it as reconciliation account, just leave the reconciliation account type blank. Otherwise, create a new g/l account that will be used as intercompany transfer clearing account. The new g/l account should not be set as reconciliation account. You must be logged in to post a comment. • F Asset accounting account determination natandycanada asked Sep 3, 2009 | Replies (5) Hello I am building the asset accounting account determination. When i enter the GL account for Account determination i get the message: reconciliation account is not allowed!!! (. SAP message AC309 )has anyone come across this message? I checked the depreciation area definition and all should be good. I am on ECC6. Thank you Join this group Popular White Paper On This Topic • 2011 ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) Comparison Guide 5 Replies 1 Anuj Purwar replied Sep 4, 2009 Hi, Assign a P&L account for depreciation posting. Thanks. _____ 1 natandycanada replied Sep 4, 2009 I do have a P&L account Andy Maoulaoui 0 Ron Roberts replied Sep 4, 2009 Help us ouot with a little more detail. What G/L account are you trying top assign? Depreciation expense? Asset account? Accumulated depreciation account? Gain/loss on disposal P&L account? Other? 1 natandycanada replied Sep 5, 2009 I am assigning an accumulated depreciation account. this account is naturally a reconciliation account. all other accounts can be entered without any error. When i enter the accum depreciation account in depr area 01 (post to legder 0L) the system give the message that reconciliation account is not allowed. when i enter the accum dep account in dep area 02 ( posting to non leading ledger) i dont get the error. Andy Maoulaoui White Papers and Webcasts Popular • The Evolution of ERP and What it Means for Business Related • Gain IT asset visibility, control and automation • SMB Accounting SaaS Comparison Guide • Shifting the B2B Marketing Paradigm from Contacts to People: ... More White Papers 0 Gearoid Pierse replied Dec 4, 2009 Hi everyone - I am getting the same problem when putting in an accumumated depreciation account in the customizing for depreciation area 01, I get *** (message AC309 "Account 1100250 is defined as a reconciliation account for fixed assets for chart of accounts OPER and account determination AD400. This is not correct in the circumstances (Accumulated depreciation account for ordinary depr).Keep in mind that the Customizing definition of the given depreciation area also influences the consistency check of the G/L accounts. This is particularly true for the posting settings in the depreciation area, if the accounts are value adjustment (depreciation) accounts. *** However, I can assign my accumulated depreciation account 1100250 (which has the recon account "A" (assets) setting no problem for depreciation area 20. If I take away the recon account setting in the G/L account I get a different error message