General Science Interview Questions
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Which of the following has the lease penetrating power? 1 Alpha particles 2 Beta particles 3 Gamma rays 4 All have the same penetrating power

3 4133

Atoms are composed of 1 Electrons only 2 Protons only 3 Electrons and protons 4 Electrons and nuclei

1 2649

The age of most ancient geological formations is estimated by 1 Potassium-argon method 2 Ra-Si method 3 C14method 4 Uranium-lead method

2 8509

Which of the following is used as a moderation in nuclear reactor? 1 Ordinary water 2 Radium 3 Thorium 4 Graphite

2 3909

Isotopes are separated by 1 Filtration 2 Sublimation 3 Distillation 4 Crystallization

Bank Exams, dpdc, MPSC, NIFT, State Bank Of India SBI,

10 27627

Which of the following colors in he visible spectrum has maximum range? 1 Violet 2 Indigo 3 Orange 4 Red

1 4369

Who suggested that most of the mass of the atom is located in the nucleus? 1 Thompson 2 Bohr 3 Rutherford 4 None of these


3 11439

Mesons are found in 1 ?-rays 2 Laser beam 3 X-rays 4 Cosmic rays

ABC, Indian Army, JSSC,

3 21761

An atom of an element with mass number 23 and atomic number 11 will have 1 11 neutrons, 12 protons and 11 electrons 2 11 protons, 12 neutrons and 11 electrons 3 11 neutrons, 11 protons and 12 electrons 4 23 protons and 11 electrons

1 4647

In a fast breeder reactor, U-238 gets converted to 1 U-235 2 U-237 3 Co-60 4 Plutonium-239

1 3381

The location and energy of an electron in an atom can be specified by 1 Atomic mass 2 Atomic number 3 Quantum numbers 4 None of these

1 3028

The location and energy of an electron in an atom can be specified by 1 Atomic mass 2 Atomic number 3 Quantum numbers 4 None of these

1 2861

Old-written material, which cannot be read easily, can be read by 1 Cosmic rays 2 Ultraviolet rays 3 Infra red rays 4 None of these


1 14590

In an atomic nucleus, neutrons and protons are held together by 1 Gravitational forces 2 Magnetic forces 3 Exchange force 4 Coulombic forces

1 14717

Which of the following elements is not-radioactive? 1 Uranium 2 Thorium 3 Plutonium 4 zirconium


3 18917

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Un-Answered Questions { General Science }

what are the advantages and disadvantages of empirical knowledge?


In modern science, what is 'fourth dimension'?


When did india conduct three under ground nuclear tests?


Science is both a process and product-Substantiate


A team of u.n scientists visited thumba?


What is light year?


hai am ashok am studying degree 1st year.i want to write group 1 exams how i am started my preparation.which meterial is best for exam.what are the subjects have much time can i spend to study dialy to get it in first much money we need.for this exam degree qualification must to need .NCC c-certificate how use for this exam. what is the best coaching centre in hyd near to khairathabad.plz tell me




What is the significance of international geo - physical year?


In which year, physical laboratory in ahmedabad was founded?


we know in mathematics that a matrix is an arrangement (array) of different elements , memebers . Then, how does the movie "Matrix" relate with this concept. In movie "Matrix" we have seen that it shown a war between machines & humans. And we know to operate machines we need code like 0 1 & 1 0 . How ? explain ?


In which year was the meteorology department founded?


Who discovered radio telescope?


a private address will borrow ? bits from the HOST to give one 120 subnets - range = ?


Let arr be an array of 20 integers. Write a program that first fills the array with up to 20 input values and then finds and displays both the subscript of the largest item in arr and the value of the largest item. • Use an IDE to develop and save your work