Code Snippets Interview Questions
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Write a function, tokenize_string(input_string, delimiter_list) that returns a list of strings that are separated by the delimiters. For example: tokenize_string("How now, Mrs. Brown Cow") returns ['How', 'now', 'Mrs', 'Brown', 'Cow']


1 2723

Write a function to efficiently convert a floating point number to a rational number. For example, given 0.125 return "1/8"


Write a function that takes an unsorted integer array, and returns a three element subset whose sum is zero.


Write a function that takes an array of integers and returns that array rotated by N positions. For example, if N=2, given the input array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] the function should return [5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4]


Write a function that takes an array of integers and efficiently calculates and returns the Least Common Multiply in python.


Write a function that takes as input a binary tree, and prints out each level of the tree on a newline. For example: a / b c / / d e f will output: a b c d e f


Write a function that takes an integer and returns the smallest number that is greater than the given number which is a palendrome. For example, if the input was 111 the next palindromic number would be 121.


Given a circular list of integers (when you reach the end of the list you come back to the beginning), what is the most efficient algorithm to find the smallest integer in the list? For example: circular_list = [22, 52, 66, 82, 5, 8, 12, 19].


What is CDC?

2 2559

What is Telematics?

2 2369

What is the J2ME platform?

1 2149

J2ME defines two configurations - CLDC and CDC. Explain them

1 2332

What are profiles in J2ME?

1 2040

What is Java Community Process (JCP)?

1 2367

Why does Java strictly specify the range and behavior of its primitive types?

1 3175

Un-Answered Questions { Code Snippets }

design a class car having variables model, yr_of_manufacture, owner,reg_no. Design methods for assigning the values, Printing the values( you decide gui,control, any other methods if require)


What is the output when we execute list(“hello”)?


Write a program to model an exploding firecracker in the xy plane using a particle system


Write a Program for matrix multiplication.


advance the focus to next consecutive fields when Enter Key is pressed


code to positioning of window in certain dimensions


Code for Method of Handling Factorials of Any Size?


create Drop-Down Navigation Menus


can you please write a program for deadlock that can detect deadlock and to prevent deadlock.


How can restrict user to type upto 8 characters in textbox in php?


why do you use macros? Explain a situation where you had to incorporate macros in your proc report? use a simple instream data example with code ?


Write a function that takes an array of integers and returns that array rotated by N positions. For example, if N=2, given the input array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] the function should return [5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4]


how to pass data between pages using Cookies


plz tell me the exam date for clerks in sbi


How we use ajax in through javaScript. Please givee me an example.