Zero setting of sejong rottary press
Give me Medha Sevo previous written test question papers
What were the occupations of the people who lived within the Mauryan Empire?
What kind of Issues/bugs arise in ETL projects? I would like to know few issues (critical to somewhat bugs ) normally occur in ETL process especially when testing? Domains can be banking, retail or any.
i want the sample placement paper of goldman sachs urgently. please send it to me
Recently conducted Apptitude test
my question is : reverse a string in COBOL program (please write a code asap) input file: 1234abcdef output file: 8765_____ abc*$#1___ 1_2_3_4__ cdef____ghi h_k_z_a__ a_z_k_h___ ihg____ghi 4_3_2_1___ 1#$*cba__ ______5678 fedcb4321
A frog wants to climb a pole which is 15 feet in height, frog can jump 3 feet every minute after which he rests for a minute where he slips down 2 feet. How much time will the frog take to reach the top of the pole?
speak 1min on topic Travelling,memorable moment ,memorable day?
how did you celebrate your last birthday?
What are the frequently asked questions for interview in capital iq company ?
what is placement paper?
If anybody knows the recruitment procedure of IOTL & POWER MECHANICAL. send me the placement papers if u hav... very urgent ...
Do we have vacancy for HR RECRUITER ?