Scripts Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is a Cookie? What are the uses of Cookies?

1 3637

Difference between GET and POST? Which is used when?

3 5199

Tell me about Dictionary Object?

2 3946

How could u display all of the cookies/cookie values for a user through a Web page in ASP?



How to delete an existing cookie?

2 4408

How to determine if a visitor has cookies support enabled in his/her browser?

1 3192

How to learn VB Script, Since iam working with QTP. So i need to learn VB script.


4 11963

Suppose by navigation I went from 1 st page to 5 page ,so Write a generic script for coming from any page to the 1st page and by executing where the page may be it will come to 1st page


1 5145

How many objects are there in ASP?

10 18340

Name at least two methods of response object other than Transfer.

3 6495

How many types of cookies are there?

TechSolution, Tops Technologies,

10 34302

What is difference between Server.transfer and Response.redirect ?

7 14778

Tell few steps for optimizing (for speed and resources) ASP page/application ?

1 5615

Which DLL file is needed to be registered for ASP?

3 8621

Tell few programming diffrence between ADO and DAO programming. What is state?

Facebook, Leading Software Technologies,

1 5947

Un-Answered Questions { Scripts }

Explain jsp:plugin action?


What are annotations in angular?


How do I use a scriptlet to initialize a newly instantiated bean?


What about applets and plugins?


Can array in javascript be extended?


What does the instanceof operator do?


What is ngzone run outside angular 2?


Differentiate between and <%@include file=…>.


Explain export & import in javascript?


I have attended Anovatek Software QTP interview. They will give us computer and one web based application with QTP. We have to automate some records (already updated records or new records) using QTP Data driven testing. But we should use for loop? Can any one know how to do data driven testing using For loop?


How can you update the state of a component?


Define a scripting language?


What is the use of queue() in jquery?


Please explain step by step approach on how to setup environment for reactjs?


Explain some benefits of jquery knockout?